Girls Everywhere Meeting the Saviour

Our mission is to help bring girls into a living, dynamic relationship with Jesus

Our goal for every club meeting is to grow bigger hearts. Together, we learn how to love and care for our relationship with God, one another, other people and ourselves. We do this by learning about Jesus christ, what He has done for us, and His plans for each of our lives.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Pray Scripture

Dear Sisters,

Happy Monday! Do you remember when we prayed scripture for eachother at the Fall Training? Today's devotional from Lenae will help us to practice that again.
Blessings to you this day,


I call on you, O God, for you will answer me; give ear to me and hear my prayer.

Psalm 17:6

There are only a few pages left to fill in my small black journal. It’s the first prayer journal where the penned prayers are primarily from Scripture. Each prayer concludes with the date and the passage it’s based on. Let’s pray Daniel’s prayer together.

O Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with all who love him and obey his commands, we have sinned and done wrong . . . confess personal sin.

We have been wicked and have rebelled; we have turned away from your commands and laws . . . ask for forgiveness.

The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against him . . . give thanks for His forgiveness and mercy.

Now, our God, hear our prayers and petitions. For your sake, O Lord, look with favor on your people. Give ear, O God, and hear. We do not make requests of you because we are righteous, but because of your mercy . . . lay your requests and petitions before God.

O Lord, listen! O Lord, forgive! O Lord hear and act! For your sake, O God, do not delay, because your people bear your Name . . . praise God for the privilege of bearing His Name and tell Him how you feel about Him. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Scripture: Daniel 9. Date: 9.28.09

While Daniel was still in prayer – confessing his sin and sin of the people Israel – Gabriel came to him in swift flight. He said, “Daniel, I have now come to give you insight and understanding. As soon as you began to pray, an answer was given, which I have come to tell you, for you are highly esteemed. Therefore, consider the message and understand the vision” (Daniel 9:22-23).

Within The Truth Project videos, Dr. Del Tackett asks, “Do you really believe that what you believe is really real?”

Repeat the question. Think on the question. Apply it to prayer. Do you really believe that what you believe about prayer is really real? Do you really believe that when you pray, you enter the very throne room of God where our all-powerful and almighty God listens, hears, and answers those prayers in His perfect time? Daniel believed it. And if God’s children would really believe it today, it would turn the world upside down.

Prayer Step: Choose a passage of Scripture and pray through it today. Really believe that God will give ear, hear, and answer your prayers (Psalm 17:6).

If we then let the words of Christ abide in us, they will stir us up in prayer.
Reuben Archer Torrey

Grace and peace,

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Your Will Be Done

Dear Counselors,
This morning I was reading the book of Esther and these words continue with me. It’s the words that Zerish spoke to her evil husband Haman. Zeresh said to him, “Since Mordecai, before whom your downfall has started, is of Jewish origin, you cannot stand against him – you will surely come to ruin” (Esther 6:13). In other words, if you pit yourself up against the Sovereign God of the universe – it’s not a battle that you’re going to win!

At the beginning of another beautiful week, how important it is that our feet are planted in the center of God’s will. To be anywhere else is a losing battle! Let’s turn to the Word together.


This, then, is how you should pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Matthew 6:9-13

The Lord’s Prayer is a beautiful prayer and pattern for our prayers. Within it there are at least four words that are much easier to recite than they are to live out. Here’s what they are for me: Your will be done.

To pray Your will be done is asking God that His perfect purpose be accomplished in this world as it is in heaven, and it comes not by doing our will but by doing God’s.

Some of the things that God wills are easy to identify – love God, love your neighbor, tell the truth, be patient, give generously, and more. Other circumstances require much discernment and prayer . . . where should I invest my time and resources? Where should I seek employment/should I seek employment? Should I serve within the GEMS ministry or is He leading me to another ministry?

Within her book, The Magnificent Obsession – Embracing the God-Filled Life, Anne Graham Lotz writes, “Since God expects you and me to live in obedience to His will, He will not hide it from us. But He does expect us to prayerfully seek it.” These are the four principles that Anne uses to help her seek the will of God. (Read pages 114-117 to learn more.)

1. Practical circumstances. God opens the door for the thing that you’ve been praying for and things practically fall into place – something that could only be orchestrated by God Himself!
2. The counsel of mature, godly people. God uses people to speak His wisdom into our life. There’s affirmation when the things we’ve been secretly praying are reiterated through their wisdom.
3. Inner conviction. God places heavy burdens in our life that seem to attach to us like crazy glue – a heart for the homeless, a restlessness within our work, a grief for lonely people within the church.
4. The confirmation of God’s Word. God uses His Word to speak His will into our lives. His invitation, His commands, and His perfect plan are revealed as we read, study, and mediate on Scripture.

Anne shared that she’s made decisions based on three out of the four principles, but one of them has always been God’s Word.

Prayer Step: Are you struggling to know God’s will? Expectantly seek it through prayer and Scripture today.

If you seek God’s guidance with an open mind, humbly willing to do whatever He says, He will teach you the right way to go and “land” you safely in the center of His will.

Anne Graham Lotz

Grace and peace,


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Question for your response

Hello GEMS Couselors,
I have a quick post today and it is to ask you one question that I would love to see lots of responses for! It is about training for next year. I am asking this now, while you have this years training fresh in your mind.

What would you prefer for a time format for next year?
a/ Friday evening as we did this year
b/ Friday evening with about 1/2 hour or 45 min longer so we don't feel rushed
c/ Saturday for 4 hours
d/ Friday night for 3 hours AND Saturday morning for 3 hours
e/ Thursday evening
f/ suggest something else!

Thanks for your responses!


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Training Thoughts

Hello Dear Counselors,

It was so wonderful to meet so many of you at training last week! We had a very busy night together and our hope and prayer is that you are able to look back and remember one or two things that you will be able to incorporate into your GEMS year. When you attend training with fellow club counselors, you will then have combined learning and be able to kick off your year with a bang!

For "NEW COUNSELORS" I would like to recommend that you go to the GEMS Girls Club website- Click on leaders, then counselor training video. You will get to watch Lenae go through all of the basics of being a counselor in a very engaging way to help you understand your role and its responsibilities. I highly recommend this! I realize that at the training you may not have learned 'everything you ever wanted to know about being a GEMS counselor', so hopefully this will fill in the gaps.

Thanks to all who filled out evaluation forms. These are very helpful to us. We are going to be having some questions for you in the coming weeks, asking you to give us feedback for format choices for next year. Your input is VERY valuable, so we will look forward to the responses that we receive.

If you are reading this on the actual blog- Congratulations! You found it and hopefully have it now saved to your favorites so you can check it weekly.
If you are reading this as a result of the bulk email- Great! Thanks for reading it through. I would ask that you check out the blog at

I will look forward to hearing how your clubs kicked off the year!

Kathy Roosma

Friday, September 11, 2009

Lead Me To The Rock

Dear Sisters,

As we begin our new season of GEMS we start with a word of prayer:

Father God, may Your favor rest upon us; establish the work of our hands – yes, establish the work of our hands. Help us to stand firm and to let nothing move us. May we always give ourselves fully to Your work, because our labor in the Lord is not in vain. Whatever we do in this new week, equip and strengthen us to work at it with all our hearts, as working for You, and not for men. Thank You for Your Spirit and for God-breathed Scripture that thoroughly equips each one of us for every good work. Amen (Psalm 90:17, 1 Corinthians 15:58, Colossians 3:23, 2 Timothy 3:16-17).


From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Psalm 61:2

At Wednesday night’s ACTS Fall Workshop before we sang this season’s theme song, Hear My Cry, O Lord, the music leader shared these insightful thoughts with our group:

“You’ll notice that the lyrics to Hear My Cry, O LORD, read, ‘When my heart is overwhelmed,’ not ‘If my heart is overwhelmed.’ Throughout our lives, we will have times when we’re overwhelmed, troubled, and sad.

“When one of my daughters gets overwhelmed, she runs to her room, shuts the door, and wants to be alone. When another one of my daughters gets overwhelmed, she cries. When I get overwhelmed, I worry and stress. As I set up this song to our club’s girls I’m going to ask what they do when they get overwhelmed and sad. Where do they go? Then I’m going to introduce Hear My Cry, O Lord. It’s a song that really is a prayer that when we get overwhelmed, we’re asking God to lead us to the Rock that is higher than I. And that Rock is God Himself.”

The Rock is faithful. He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he (Deuteronomy 32:4).

The Rock is like no other. There is no one holy like the LORD; there is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God. For who is God besides the LORD? And who is the Rock except our God (1 Samuel 2:2, 2 Samuel 22:32)?

The Rock saves. The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior (2 Samuel 22:2-3).

The Rock can be trusted forever. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal (Isaiah 24:4).

The Rock is worthy of praise! The LORD lives! Praise be to my Rock! Exalted be God, the Rock, my Savior! Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation (2 Samuel 22:47, Psalm 95:1).

Lead me to the Rock! Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe (Psalm 61:1-3).

Prayer Step: Feeling overwhelmed today? In prayer, shift your focus from your circumstances to your Rock.

Rock of Ages, cleft for me, let me hide myself in Thee.

Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to the cross I cling.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Humble Surrender

Dear Sisters,

Dear GEMS Counselors,

We are gearing up for the Fall Workshops this coming week! Hopefully you are eager to join together to encourage eachother, learn together, and be equiped for the GEMS year ahead.

In the midst of Fall workshop and club preparations, this week’s prayer comes from Psalm 145 (personalized!) . . .

Great are You LORD and most worthy of praise; Your greatness no one can fathom. One generation of Titus 2 women will commend Your works to another generation of girls and women, they will tell of Your mighty acts. They will speak at Fall Workshops, at Clubs, and within their churches and homes of the glorious splendor of Your majesty, and they will meditate on Your wonderful works. They will tell of the power of Your awesome works, and will proclaim Your great deeds. They will celebrate Your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of Your righteousness! For Jesus’ sake, Amen (Psalm 145:3-7).

Have a wonderful week telling others about your love for our great and wonderful God!

Let’s turn to the Word together.


Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.

1 Peter 5:6

One of my favorite parts of this summer’s family vacation at a rented cabin was my quiet times on the porch facing the lake. As I was reflecting on the book of 1 Peter, I could hear my neighbors sitting on the dock shouting to one another . . .

“Look! It’s an eagle!” “Look! Another eagle, and it’s carrying a fish!”

The beautiful scene captivated our attention until the eagles squabbled over the fish directly over my back porch. Suddenly the fish went bouncing through the tree overhead like a metal ball making its way through a pinball machine.

Splat! The fish landed on my porch. The eagles soared away. And the neighbors and I replayed the beautiful, yet bizarre scene of two eagles and one “flying” fish.

“That’ll happen when pigs fly,” you may have heard a time or two. Living on a hog farm I can tell you that pigs stink and they squeal, but those heavy animals don’t fly. So “when pigs fly” refers to a time that will never come. At least that’s what the skeptics say.

How many of us are just as skeptical of God’s command to not worry as we are of flying fish and pigs? We read His commands to not be anxious and to not worry, but maybe we wonder if ridding our lives of worry can really be a reality in this stress-filled world.

When worries fly into our lives, we have a choice to make. We can let them take up paralyzing residence in our hearts and minds, or we can choose to humbly surrender them to God. Will you make the choice?

Choose to humble yourself. Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time (1 Peter 5:6). Yield yourself to His authority and will, commit the situation to Him and His control, and be willing to follow Him. When we humbly surrender our plans for His, He will lift us up and provide exactly what is needed in His time.

Choose to pray. During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission (Hebrews 5:7). Follow Jesus’ example, and bow down to God’s will in prayer.

Prayer Step: What worries do you have today? Will you make the choice to humbly surrender to His will in prayer?

If you are faced with the question of whether or not to surrender, make a determination to go on through the crisis, surrendering all that you are to Him. And God will then equip you to do all that He requires of you.

Oswald Chambers

Grace and peace,
